
The local church measures only 74m2 and contains 55 seats, which make it the smallest in the country. It was built in the middle of the 16th century and the original frescos are still visible. As shown on the list of pastors during time, the vast majority did not last long. The pastor had another job, which constituted teaching in the local school. This arrangement lasted until 2004 when the school was closed. 

Venø harbor was established by local fishermen and farmers more than 100 years ago. Today a great atmosphere surrounds the marina and visitors are welcome to use the barbeque facilities and seating areas. The harbor is the home of the oldest still functioning car ferry in the country, “Venøsund” (1931), and inside the nearby shack, you are invited to learn about the history of the ferry ride that has been making Venø accessible throughout many years. “Venøsund” is from time to time the stand-in for the current ferry and offers special trips on occasion.